11 Aug
Try These Free iPhone Games. While you may be thinking that Facebook is not as "mainstream" as it used to be, you might want to consider an iPhone coin master social networking game. This game will make you fall in love with Facebook again! The story of Facebook is one about community and sharing. Of course, it's not just for college students anymore! Recently, Facebook had a contest where they were hosting "The Coin Master", a game for iPhone that allowed users to win unlimited 20 spins on the wheel of fortune. Users who participated in the Facebook Coin Master, or Facebook, New Event Bot enjoyed the Facebook updates, free spin wheel, and a chance to win a hundred 20 spins! Of course, as exciting as it was to see Facebook start such a fun, entertaining contest, it can also be tricky to win all the time, especially when your friends are always winning! The problem is that many people are more comfortable Tweeting or commenting than interacting on their Twitter fan page.
However, if you want to become friends with other players, especially if you are on Facebook, you have to ask them to invite you into their friend circle. This will make you the only person who is not invited! Another reason why I find it so difficult to win 20 spins at Facebook is because I can't bring myself to make an invitation. When I do finally decide to make a friend request, it's not as easy as it sounds! I try to start out by asking the friend if they would be interested in joining my network of Facebook friends. If they agree, I ask them to tell their Facebook friend and I'll just get down to the business of inviting them to join. As my friend invites me to their Facebook group, I check to see how many friends they have and then I go to their profile to see if I have the "like" option.
If they don't have it, I guess I'll go ahead and set one up for myself. Once I get the groups set up, I find more friends who already have the "like" option but I find that it's only because I've already started with a few friends who have it. And now, after waiting around a while for a couple minutes, my friend tries to ask me to send her a message to invite me to a hundred friends. But since I still don't have any friends on Facebook, I just assume that they don't want me! Then, I send her a message to set up an account! Just imagine if there were a Facebook game that was just like the one I played on Facebook. With these cool Facebook games you won't even be able to compete with my friends! There is a game called "Do Not Disturb" which allows players to challenge each other to wait for them in the next status update.
After you do this, it's literally game over, right? But here's the fun part, when the game ends you get a chance to show off your Lincoln Log on your profile. When you go to your "Log it!" page, it will automatically add it to your profile. You really can't beat a good game of Monopoly, Chess, or Checkers with an iPhone! All the classic apps combined into one mobile game. Now, I'm looking forward to playing this game as soon as I get my hands on my iPhone.