30 Nov
We are going to talk about how to increase your win 1000 spins at the card trading games Coin Master Game and The Viking Coin Master Game. How much do you have to earn to increase your odds of winning the actual Coins portion of these games? This is something that many people do not understand. I bet if you can increase your win percentage with a simple strategy, then you can increase your winnings from these games as well. You can increase your win percentage with this strategy as well. In this simple strategy, you can tell the game operator in a game to reduce the amount of betting rounds.
With less betting rounds, you are less likely to lose any Coins. What you should do is first tell the game operator that you want the next round to be even, so you will never bet more than once. You should have the Coins in your virtual bank account ready to go so you will always win. After you do this, then you can tell the game operator to reduce the number of times you bet in the next round. As the rounds decrease, the chances of winning increase.
With the more you are going to bet, the less Coins you are going to have to bet every time. You should always stay in the game and if you do not see a way to make the bet, then you can tell the game operator that you are done and your Coins will be forfeited. You can earn a lot of extra Coins with this simple strategy. It is easy and once you implement it, you should start winning more often.