31 Aug
The recent version of the video game, Viking Coin Master, hit the market and is causing quite a stir in the video game industry. As a gamer, I was initially excited by the idea of the Viking coin collection game and have been spending some time with it and playing it since I was introduced to it. The game is a combination of collecting, upgrading, and purchasing loot in order to improve your entire fighting force to the point where you are able to take on an army of big Vikings and destroy them. The game plays out much like the real life collecting and buying of coins with the addition of the ability to buy your Viking's weapons and armor. It is much more interesting than similar games that are out there.
You don't just collect coins but rather you are rewarded for the number of coins you collect as well as the upgrades that you have made to your home base defenses. Although there is a chance that you will lose some coins and not be able to build your base or equipment you can still win 200 spins at Viking Coin Master game and thus win as much as possible in this fun game.